Mandatory Parent Training


  **This course must be completed before the player's first on-ice session**

"One of the most common reasons coaches, managers, officials and athletes, of all ages, cite for leaving sport is unacceptable parent behaviour. The Respect in Sport Parent Program will help define a standard of behaviour for all parents and create a more rewarding, safe and respectful environment for everyone involved. Parents want to do a great job supporting their kids. Respect in Sport provides parents with the tools to do just that." - Respect In Sport Group

Beginning with the 2015-16 minor hockey season parents of players in the HEO jurisdiction will be required to take the Respect in Sport Parent Program. The program is taken online at a cost of $12.00 and a minimum of 1 parent from each family with players at the IP or Novice level will need to take the program. This also applies to new players at the higher levels, as well as those new to HEO Minor. Once taken, the course is good for life.

Visit Respect in Sport for Hockey Canada Parents Program to register.

If you or another parent/guardian in the player’s household has already taken the course, it will be necessary to link your RIS profile with any new players. This must be completed before the first on-ice session. To link a player to your RIS profile, follow the steps below:

  • Access the Respect In Sport For Hockey Canada Parents site
  • Login
  • Click on the Profile/Profil tab at the top of the screen
  • Select Child Management/Gestion de l’enfant
  • Select Add Child/Ajouter un enfant
  • You can then search for the child/children you wish to associate with your profile

**This course is not to be confused with the Respect In Sport Leader/Coach Program which is a mandatory requirement for certain volunteers working with a team.**

Should you have any questions regarding registration and/or payment methods, contact our Registrar at: